Various terms and phrases on whiskey labels assume some knowledge on the consumer’s behalf. “Straight,” “bottled-in-bond,” and “non-chill filtered” all make fairly common appearances, but novice drinkers will likely need to plug in a Google search to find out what they mean. The same can be said for a few terms that relate to a whiskey’s strength — or level of alcohol — including barrel proof, cask strength, and full proof.
So what do these descriptors mean, and how are they different — or not so different — from one another?
What Is Barrel Proof Whiskey?
Barrel proof whiskey must be bottled with the same ABV the liquid has when the distillers dump it from its aging vessel. Although producers proof down most whiskeys with water at this stage to make it more approachable (and stretch stocks), barrel proof bottlings contain no added water, and therefore offer the purest expression of the whiskey in its fully matured form. On average, barrel proof offerings tend to clock in anywhere between 55 and 60-plus percent ABV.
Technically, barrel proof whiskeys can have a maximum difference of two degrees in proof (or 1 percent ABV) between when they’re dumped from a barrel or cask and when they’re bottled. However, this discrepancy isn’t in place to allot for intentional, albeit minimal, dilution. Rather, the two-degree wiggle room is a margin for error. Between the dumping and bottling stages, there is always a chance that a barrel proof whiskey may fluctuate in strength ever so slightly, so this rule accounts for such minor changes.
Barrel proof whiskeys can also be produced by blending multiple barrels from the same distillation run, as long as the final liquid adheres to the Alcohol and Tobacco Tax and Trade Bureau’s (TTB) guidelines relating to proof. Single barrel bottlings, on the other hand, must only contain whiskey sourced from one barrel. Even if multiple barrels contain the same liquid, the finished product can vary in flavor and strength from vessel to vessel depending on the duration of aging and the climate of the storage facilities. Many producers make expressions that qualify as both single barrel and barrel proof, but doing so isn’t mandatory.
What Is Cask Strength Whiskey?
Cask strength whiskey is the exact same thing as barrel proof whiskey, meaning whiskey bottled straight from the aging vessel without any dilution. While both terms are used on American whiskey labels, Scotch and Japanese whisky producers tend to favor the “cask strength” terminology to denote such whiskies. This is due to the fact that Scotch and Japanese whiskies are frequently aged in a variety of cask types, while most American whiskeys — like bourbon, rye, and Tennessee whiskey — are aged exclusively in new, charred oak barrels. As a rule of thumb, all barrels are casks, but not all casks are barrels. American oak barrels err on the small side (200 liters), while other aging casks can range anywhere from 225 liters in volume all the way up to 700 liters depending on the spirit or fortified wine (such as sherry or Madeira) they were originally designed for.
Technicalities aside, marketing plays an important role in the wording of proof-related terms, so it’s not uncommon for a brand to use “barrel strength” to indicate any type of whiskey without dilution.
What Is Full Proof Whiskey?
Full proof whiskey is different from both barrel proof and cask strength whiskeys, and also bears a slightly nebulous definition. Like “small batch,” the term isn’t regulated by the TTB, so producers can use it however they please. That said, many producers, like Buffalo Trace, use “full proof” to denote a whiskey that is bottled at the same proof it had before entering a barrel (what the TTB defines as “original proof,” “original barrel proof,” or “entry proof”). Making full proof whiskey allows producers to highlight the flavor changes that happen during the aging process, rather than showcasing the change in sheer strength.
After distillation, all whiskey is completely clear, and distillers measure the proof of the liquid before putting it into barrels. As it ages, a whiskey’s proof will fluctuate depending on a number of factors, including the duration of time spent in barrel, the temperature and humidity of the barrel’s surrounding environment, and the elevation of the storage facility. Typically, whiskeys aged in drier climates, like much of the U.S., will increase in ABV over time. Whiskeys aged in more humid environments, like the isles of Scotland, will generally decrease over time. It all hinges on the evaporation rates of water and alcohol, respectively, in a given climate.
In the instance that a whiskey’s ABV increases during barrel aging, distillers can add water to the finished product until it reaches its entry proof point to make a “full proof” product.
*Image retrieved from Roman via
The article The Differences Between Barrel Proof, Cask Strength, and Full Proof Whiskeys, Explained appeared first on VinePair.