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The Difference Between Soju and Shochu, Explained

It’s no secret that Asian spirits are on the rise. And the growing presence and popularity of AAPI-owned and -operated bars and restaurants have introduced many American palates to spirits like Korea’s native soju and Japan’s shochu. But despite their rising prominence stateside, the two spirits are still often confused.

But these centuries-old beverages are worth getting to know. Not only do they originate from vastly different countries, but they’re each made through their own distinct distillation methods and carry their own flavor profiles. Keep reading to discover the differences between soju and shochu — and how to drink them.

What is soju?

Soju is a clear, neutral spirit that’s been produced in Korea since the 13th century. While it’s traditionally distilled with rice, there are actually no laws dictating what base ingredient is used to produce it. In fact, using rice to distill soju was outlawed in Korea during the Korean War, prompting distillers to adopt sweet potatoes, wheat, and tapioca as their star ingredients. While this ban is no longer in place, many distillers still choose to eschew rice in favor of other agricultural products, resulting in new flavor profiles. Bottles usually range from 20 to 34 percent ABV.

While soju is mostly incorporated into cocktails in the U.S., the spirit is traditionally consumed neat alongside food in Korea. During meal service, soju serves as a communal drink that’s traditionally never poured by one’s own hand. Instead, an older member of the group or family will pour the drink into small shot glasses and distribute them around the table. There’s usually no sipping soju, either; guests typically shoot theirs using both hands.

Despite soju’s relatively small presence in the U.S., the No. 1 spirits brand consumed worldwide is actually a soju brand: Jinro Soju, which sells upwards of 100 million 9-liter cases per year. Other popular brands include Charm, which is distilled from rice, barley, sweet potatoes, and tapioca; rice-based Tokki; and grape-based Yobo.

If you’re keen on picking up a bottle, the base ingredient on the label can help steer you toward your ideal soju. For a neutral palate, reach for a soju produced from rice, which will highlight subtle notes of charred rice or crisp apple. Sojus produced from sweet potatoes tend to be sweeter and offer a more viscous texture. And similarly to vodka, soju is available in many flavors alongside its unflavored form; some of the most popular include green grape, peach, and apple.

What is shochu?

A hard liquor distilled from grains and vegetables, shochu originated in Japan around the 15th century. Similarly to soju, shochu can be made from a variety of base ingredients such as rice (kome-jochu), sweet potato (imo-jochu), and barley (mugi-jochu). Shochu, though, is produced using a fermentation process through which its base ingredient is saccharified to produce koji mold. This mash is then distilled to produce the spirit, which is typically bottled between 25 and 30 percent ABV. Legally, shochu is not permitted to have an alcohol content over 45 percent.

There are two categories of Japanese shochu: the more-premium osturu shochu (also known more colloquially as honkaku shochu) and korui shochu. Distilled only once, honkaku shochu has a strict set of guidelines producers must follow to preserve the base ingredient’s flavor. These guidelines have fostered the development of several different types of honkaku shochu, including awamori, a long-grain rice shochu made exclusively in Okinawa with a special type of black koji.

Korui shochu, on the other hand, can be distilled multiple times. This process tends to mask the flavors of the base ingredients and results in a colorless, borderline-aromaless spirit. Flavor additives are expressly prohibited by the Japanese government in shochu production.

There are a few ways to properly enjoy shochu, and they’re usually dictated by the quality of the spirit itself. High-end honkaku shochu is often consumed straight-up so that drinkers can thoroughly enjoy its aromas and nuances, but both honkaku and korui can also be served over ice, warmed, or mixed with hot or cold water. The latter two methods are the most common when serving shochu with food, as it lowers the ABV to 12 to 15 percent — perfect for sipping over the course of a meal.

Some of the largest shochu producers include Kirishima Shuzō (Japan’s highest-grossing shochu distiller), Sanwa Shurui, and Unkai Shuzō.

The article The Difference Between Soju and Shochu, Explained appeared first on VinePair.

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